Welcome to Get Philosophical!

We are a private philosophical counselling practise that offers a tailored approach to helping you with your mental wellbeing. On this site you can learn more about what philosophical counselling is, how it works, who it works for and how it can help you. You can book a free 30-minute consultation by clicking the button below.

We are always happy to answer any questions you may have, and you are welcome to contact us via our social media’s linked about or via our email or phone number located at the bottom of this page.

“As is a tale, so is life. Not how long it is, but how good it is.”

We are registered with the information commissioner’s office to keep your data private and secure.

Low income? No problem!

Book a session with a professional philosopher to discuss philosophical topics, issues, dilemmas and the application of philosophical ideas to the real world, such as in your own life. All are welcome from any background, regardless of your level of understanding. Get Philosophical is open to all and is a place to learn and help others.

Philosophical counselling is a style of counselling designed to help people with “ordinary” or “ubiquitous” problems. In other words, problems everyone has that do not necessarily constitute mental illness. It uses philosophy to help enrich and improve a person’s perspective and thinking abilities to help them with their problems or concerns.

Chat about philosophy in our Mind Over Mocha socials, where you can meet new people to discuss philosophy in a relaxed and accessible environment over a nice drink of your choice!

The process of philosophical counselling, summed up in 4 simple steps.

Christopher Mountford is a graduate of the university of Keele and holder of a master’s degree in philosophy.

Having been exposed to philosophical practice in his 3rd year of undergraduate, he decided that he wanted to do it professionally.

He now runs “Get Philosophical”, a private philosophical counselling practice.

Christopher Mountford, MA


Student at Imperial College London

